Insightful Content, Successful Marketing

By Erika Goedrich, Product Manager

Companies are producing more and more content to further promote themselves, their products, and their professional agendas to others. There is a growing need for a “human component” in content to successfully reach targeted audiences, a theme heavily stressed at The 2013 Internet Summit in Raleigh, North Carolina. Yes, content needs an audience, but relevance to that audience is more essential to guarantee optimal message delivery and response.

Content created from superficial data like demographics and behaviors makes it difficult to connect marketers with specific audiences. Understanding the motivations, beliefs, and attitudes that drive people to act provides more valuable and actionable insights into an audience which can be employed to personalize content and stimulate engagement.


There is a better chance of connecting with and capturing an individual’s attention when focusing on his or her personal motivations. Reach the right audience, in the right place, with the right message, and get the right results.

For example, the audience snapshot below showcases insights beyond demographics that allow family resorts to directly connect with parents who value creating memories with their families.

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Apart from valuing family, this middle-class audience focuses on financial security and well-being. Even more specifically, they hone in on price before destination and place emphasis on excitement, innovation, and treating their family, compared to the average consumer.

While they don’t want the same familiar vacation time and again, they also don’t necessarily seek out unique destinations. They also take advantage of the latest technology, specifically downloadable apps, to engage with companies.

These insights scream opportunity! Family resorts should produce content that speaks to these motivations, like creating a planning and mapping app for their visitors.


Whether on a website or in response to an online ad campaign, understanding the motivations of an audience ensures the alignment of content creative and targeting criteria. It is crucial to know who your content is reaching and who is responding to it. Comparing audiences to uncover the similarities, the differences, and the varying motivations between those who did and did not act can also strengthen future content messaging tactics.

Data and analytics combined with KPIs like page views, click-through rates, and conversions mixed with demographic and behavioral data is a pretty good recipe for understanding who is responding to your content. But throw in the secret ingredients of why people care and why people take action and you truly have a winning campaign.

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