Resonate’s State of the Consumer Report Highlights Five Key Growth Segments Among Today’s Consumers

RESTON, Va., Oct. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Resonate, the leading provider of consumer intelligence and insights for marketers, today released its State of the Consumer Report: Consumer Snapshots That Reveal How Values & Motivations Are Shaping Today’s Evolving Shopper. The research examines five market segments that collectively represent the ongoing transformation in consumer behavior and the shifting market dynamics that companies must recognize.

“Understanding the ‘why,’ or how a consumer’s values shape their purchasing decisions, offers a clearer predictor of one’s future buying habits,” said Bryan Gernert, Chief Executive Officer of Resonate. “While this report addresses five specific consumer segments, the insights into these groups provide a broader commentary on some of the greatest market forces and consumer dynamics that are rapidly transforming the landscape for today’s brands.”

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