Uninsured Millennials: The Young and Cash-Strapped

As states prepare for round two of open enrollment, Resonate once again leverages its vast database to analyze and to understand the groups that are integral in driving upcoming registration. Last year, similar analyses informed our digital media messaging, targeting recommendations, and strategies for the enrollment efforts in nearly 30 states. Today, we take a preliminary look at one of the most highly sought after uninsured groups, the so-called “Young and Invincible” Millennials (ages 18-34).

This moniker, “Young and Invincible,” is quite the misnomer, as we reported earlier. It’s not that uninsured Millennials feel they don’t need coverage (19%), the majority simply can’t afford it (42%). Instead of focusing solely on convincing uninsured Millennials they need care, advertisers would be better served to address price concerns with this very cost-conscious group.

Insurance Infographic


Uninsured Millennials, relative to their insured counterparts, are also significantly more driven to make decisions that result in their own peace of mind; they are 43% more likely to make choices that bypass future worries. Notably, this was a top value driver among those engaging with exchange websites in the final period of open enrollment earlier this year. When communicating with uninsured Millennials, focusing on the peace of mind that health coverage provides will likely be well received.

Furthermore, our research uncovers two points that prove quite encouraging for health exchanges. First, uninsured Millennials are more likely to report intent to purchase care through exchanges (29%) than those who are uninsured and aged 35 and older (25%). Second, general awareness of the exchanges has significantly increased since last year – 86% of Millennials are currently aware of the exchanges, up from 70% in 2013.

By leveraging Resonate’s unique data set, advertisers can better understand the groups vital to this year’s health exchange enrollment. And they can identify those most engaged with the media or exchange sites. In turn, this will inform messaging and optimize online advertising to drive further enrollment among key audiences.

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