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Who Is This “CorpSumer”?

August 25, 2017
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Who Is This “CorpSumer”?

In our previous blog, we took a look at a new breed of consumer, the “Corpsumer” – a segment that now represents one in three Americans according to a recent MWWPR study – who are 67% more likely to sacrifice quality, price and convenience to invest their money and loyalty in brands with values similar to their own.

According to the study, CorpSumers span age and gender, with some of the most attractive attributes brands desire. They are more likely to be millennials and Gen-Xers, well-educated, full-time workers, high-income earners and parents.

But let’s take a closer look.

Beyond basic demographics, we wanted to learn more about these values-driven buyers. So we put our real-time insights to work to build a rich 360-degree consumer profile on this audience. Here are the areas where they index much higher than the average US adult consumer:

Detailed Demographics

  • 64% male and 36% female with a household income of $150k+ and household net worth of $1-2M
  • Between the ages of 35-44, married with 2-3 children under 5 years old
  • Working in some field of technology or financial services/insurance at the Executive or Group Director level
  • Living in urban areas, primarily the Pacific region

Purchasing Behaviors

  • Will sacrifice convenience and pay more for high quality
  • Primarily shop online, particularly using Amazon Prime, via their tablets and phones
  • 32% have clicked 10+ ads in the last month
  • Value products that are innovative, high quality, unique, healthy, fun/exciting and are produced sustainably
  • Among the first of their friends to buy new technology products, priding themselves on being early adopters
  • Download apps of brands they support
  • Share their opinion of products and companies publicly – 29% more likely outside of social media and 27% through social media
  • Heavy stock traders

Media Consumption

  • Heavy social media users, spending 40+ hours per week online
  • Facebook members, but are 86% more active on LinkedIn and 38% more active on Twitter, and 23% are more likely to write online articles
  • Tendency to share their opinions and thoughts online, and actively expand their networks whether adding to theirs or joining others’
  • Wall Street Journal and New York Times readers, spending 5+ hours reading per week
  • Watch TV using time adjusted/DVR or streaming services, primarily on their tablets and phones 1-2 hours per day
  • Listen to the radio over twice as much as the average American

Personal Values and Decision drivers

  • Motivated by protecting and providing for their family, concern for the future and social responsibility
  • Value sense of accomplishment, sharing experiences and societal responsibility
  • Motivated by social and professional status, being an influential person, recognition from peers, the respect of others and sense of belonging
  • Value having a community that reflects their beliefs

Consumer Engagement and Important Social Issues

  • Follow brands they support on social media and engage in a company’s societal program
  • Value brands that listen to the public and contribute to social causes
  • Have criticized a company’s green or employee treatment behavior
  • Join societal causes and volunteer for a cause
  • Most important charitable causes are the treatment of childhood diseases, climate change and quality of education
  • Loyal to companies that support the local community

Win CorpSumers’ Share of Wallet by Aligning with their Values

As stated in our last blog, this is a big opportunity for brands to deeply understand and appeal to the values, beliefs and motivations of these shoppers who are voting with their wallets while simultaneously influencing the purchasing behaviors of others. Companies that do not correctly convey messaging or brand values that appeal to this new segment risk losing the business of not just the one-third of American adults who fall into this category, but also their friends and networks.

Align with their values in an authentic way to win their hearts, minds and wallets.