Battleground Breakdown: Georgia’s Political Transformation and AI-Powered Insights for the 2024 Primary

Georgia has experienced a sizable political shift in recent years, with a traditionally red state slowly turning shades of purple. The 2020 presidential election marked a pivotal moment when Georgia turned blue for the first time in nearly three decades, a result attributed to changing demographics, increased voter registration efforts, and evolving ideologies. 

Georgia is a great example of why AI has gone from being an optional campaign luxury to an essential campaign necessity. Machine learning tools are providing strategists with a major advantage when it comes to real-time adaptation to the sentiment shifts that are actively happening in places like the Peach State.   

Data behind the battleground: 748K Georgia Swing Voters 

Resonate’s AI-driven behavioral models are actively tracking an audience of 748K swing voters in Georgia. This is a critical insight because Georgia has an open primary, meaning voters are not affiliated with political parties and may choose to vote in either primary.  

So, who are the Georgia swing voters? 

When it comes to choosing candidates, today’s Georgia swing voter will support a candidate who they believe can make government work through bipartisan leadership. Government spending and the deficit are their next most important issues when deciding who to vote for. 


Even though Georgia does not keep party affiliation records on its voters, Resonate’s behavioral models are capable of determining with precision accuracy the political party that voters are currently identifying with. Our models indicate, to no surprise, that the majority of Georgia swing voters are identifying as Independents. However, almost twice as many Georgia swing voters identify as Democrats than Republicans. This is an interesting insight to watch less than two months out from primary day… 

Who are the Georgia Republicans that will likely vote in the primary?  

Resonate models are picking up an audience of 1.3M Georgia Republicans who are most likely to vote in the upcoming primary (classified as frequent voters in presidential primaries and half the time voters in presidential primaries) 


When it comes to choosing candidates, the Republicans most likely to vote in the Georgia primary will likely select their candidates based on immigration policy, defense and military policy, and homeland security policy.  

Who are the Georgia Democrats that will likely vote in the primary?  

Resonate models are picking up an audience of 2M Georgia Democrats who are most likely to vote in the upcoming primary (classified as frequent voters in presidential primaries and half the time voters in presidential primaries). 

When it comes to choosing candidates, the Democrats most likely to vote in the Georgia primary will likely select candidates based on entitlement policy, healthcare policy, and environmental policy.  


In an open primary state like Georgia, Resonate is providing campaigns with AI-driven solutions to understand the undecideds, Republicans, and Democrats who will dictate the March primary results. Our hundreds of niche voter audiences are available for immediate targeting. Let us know what voter segments you absolutely need to win in 2024 and we’ll devise the targeting strategy that’s built to engage and persuade! 

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