Inspire action to support your cause

Lead with AI-powered data for advocacy and associations

Immediately identify and target people who care about your issue beyond traditional lists of supporters. Resonate AI-powered data shows that there are more than 112M civically engaged Americans who will actively support issues and causes. This data can be segmented further into those whose values or stance are tightly aligned with your message. Work with our highly experienced team of advocacy experts to leverage proprietary Resonate intelligence and optimize support for your issue or cause.

Hyper-relevant insights specific to your cause

Advocacy Groups

Advocacy groups

Predictive, real-time analytics immediately identify and target people who care about your issue beyond your traditional list of supporters.



Deep and actionable insights help you identify, target and sway key influencers who are engaged with a specific cause or issue.

Resonate is your one-stop shop

We help target advocates who support your cause. In near real time, we will model your custom audience, size it at any state/local level and provide deeper research and analysis on your identified targets.

Fast answers, deep understanding of any audience down to the CD level

Fast answers

Better segmentation for more impactful, personalized messaging

Better segmentation

More precise targeting at scale across all screens including CTV, OTT, pre-roll, display, social media

precise voter targeting

Advocacy resources

Advocacy Playbook

Learn what Americans consider the top issues of the year and where supporters stand.

ESG Data Guide Thumbnail

The 2023 ESG Report

Connect with your consumers by going beyond surface-level data to understand the real person behind the ESG consumer and gain their loyalty.


Campaign Guide

Meet 3 of the hundreds of unique multicultural audience segments you can target and activate with Resonate.


Ready to put Resonate to work?

Join the many advocacy organizations who are using Resonate data and the Ignite platform to make better connections that drive results.

Schedule a consultation