[Infographic] How to Connect With Baby Boomer Online Shoppers

Are Baby Boomer online shoppers at the top of your targeting for 2021? No? Well, they should be. The Washington Post recently published an article diving into the spikes in Baby Boomer online shopping:  Baby Boomers, to retailers’ surprise, are the ones dominating online shopping. These shoppers, previously hesitant to click “add to cart” over pushing a cart, have found themselves eager to navigate the world of e-commerce as they limit their possible exposure to the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recently, we did a deep dive into the demographics, values, and motivations driving Baby Boomer online shoppers, as well as strategies to connect and, today, we’re breaking down the highlights in this easy to digest infographic. Spoiler: if you’re a liquor store, you might want to look online for retirees looking to stock their at-home bar with online orders.

Want to learn more about how you can connect with Baby Boomers — and other generations? Request a demo today to explore the deep, consumer intelligence available within the Ignite Platform™.


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