Winning with Empathy: Voter Targeting in a Movement

Winning with Empathy: Voter Targeting in a Movement

The Black Lives Matter movement is widespread from coast to coast. It fills neighborhood windows. It’s written in colorful chalk by children on jagged sidewalks. It’s painted in large yellow letters on the street in the nation’s capital by a mayor on a mission for statehood. It’s a movement that has eclipsed the popularity of the country’s two major political parties. It’s in the voter data, unabashedly insightful, demanding political campaigns – on both sides – to rethink how they understand and approach the electorate.

The Resonate Ignite Platform models and targets, in real-time, an unprecedented Black Lives Matter online audience comprised of voters from all walks of life. This is a massive group of voters who firmly believe their elected officials should actively address how police interact with and treat Black Americans. There are voters within this audience of roughly 102 million that you will need to win. And if you think you already know them based on traditional polling and pundits, you may be surprised.

Winning with Empathy: Voter Targeting in a Movement

What immediately stands out about these voters is that when they are compared to the average U.S. voter, they are 113% more likely to be motivated by obeying laws and fulfilling obligations and 73% more likely to avoid upsetting or harming other people.

The reality is, our data doesn’t paint a picture of a crowd that wants to burn the system down or eradicate our nation’s laws in favor of anarchy zones. Instead, we see voters who are 44% more likely to accept those who are different and who are psychologically driven by trust and respect from others as well as valuing the freedom to express individuality.

In the policy arena, we see a pro-regulation audience that believes strongly in making public investments in our shared services and infrastructures, including healthcare programs like Medicaid, public transportation like city busses, funding for charter schools, the arts and sciences, and yes, even the size and scope of the U.S. Military.

Winning with Empathy: Voter Targeting in a Movement
On the ideological spectrum, this audience is 41% Democrat and equal parts Republican and Independent at 27%. Third-Party identifiers encompass the remaining segment.

Winning with Empathy: Voter Targeting in a Movement

Regardless of party affiliation, this is an audience that is not likely to just select their candidate based on their political party or even their personality traits, but on the values and public policies that matter most.

Bonus insight – 21% of this entire audience, or approximately 21 million voters, voted absentee in the 2018 Midterms

At Resonate, our voter intelligence and targeting platform are built to immediately identify, analyze, and target critical segments of the online electorate based on the current values and motivations that are informing up-to-the-moment voter sentiment.

The Black Lives Matter Movement is moving at an unprecedented speed and has presented critical challenges to elected officials and campaigns alike. There has been little to no room for error, even for the politicians with the best of intentions.

Campaigns will need to move with speed and accuracy to keep up while communicating on an individual and personalized level to connect. So, let your competition focus on pushing blanket messages to the masses, advertising on that same overgrown verge. We’re here to help you make real connections that are worthy of earning the votes you need to win, built on a shared vision and commitment for better days ahead.

Request a demo or reach us via email at or by phone at 855-855-4320.

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