Ad Specifications
Display | Mobile | Video | Audio | Native | Social | Search | 3rd Party Tracking | Allow/Bock Listing
Recommended display ad sizes:
- 300×250
- 728×90
- 160×600
- 300×600
Social Display
- Image Ratio – 1.91:1 to 1:1
- 300×250
- 300×600
- 728×90
- 320×50
- 300×50
- 300×250
- 728×90
- Standard image formats accepted = GIF, JPG
- Resonate can accept ad sizes of any dimension. Delivery of ad sizes is dependent on available inventory. Recommended display ad sizes are 300x250k, 728×90, 160×600, 300×600
- Animation: Animation length may not exceed 15 seconds; animation may loop up to 3 times
- Audio must be user-initiated via click
- Flash units are no longer accepted by Resonate
- Valid click-thru landing page required
- Resonate requires a back-up .jpg or .gif file to accompany all rich media ads and HTML-5 ads
- The IAB recommends following LEAN guidelines found here:
Static Files
- Formats: GIF, JPG
- File Size: 40k recommended, 100k maximum file size
*Recommend discussing campaign impact of HTML-5 with your Client Partner before launch*
- Resonate recommends 3rd party tags for HTML 5 creative.
- HTML 5 creative asset packages require 48hr to launch, limit 2x concepts per campaign. Resonate cannot host creative asset packages for expandable units.
- All ads must open in a new browser
- All ads must be clickable with pointer curser
- Click event opens the destination URL in a new window
- The destination URL must be defined as a Javascript variable called clickTag
- Do not use line breaks (\n) in the design
- Resonate requires a backup gif or jpg named the same as the HTML5 code package file or directory
- Maximum 199k combined file size on Resonate Hosted assets.
- 100k initial load max and 2.2MB subsequent load max on third party hosted assets.
- No spaces in the file names of any Resonate hosted asset
- All Resonate hosted assets must reside in the same folder as the index.html file
- All Resonate hosted HTML-5 ads must be clickable and use Javscript to initiate the click-through. Ads must also include [UNENCODED_CLICK_REDIRECT] before the final URL
Example of click-through JavaScript code:
canvas.onclick = function(event)
var clickTag=”[UNENCODED_CLICK_REDIRECT]”;,”_blank”);
- Formats: JavaScript, HTML or Iframe third party ad serving tags
- Tags must be able to accept click tracking
- All tags and subsequent third party hosted assets must use SSL serving
- File Size: 100k initial load max and 2.2MB subsequent load max on third party hosted assets.
- All expandable ads must be able to detect page edge and expand accordingly
- Mandatory “Close” button in top right corner (unless mouse-over)
- Method of expansion and un-expansion must be the same (i.e., mouse-over or click)No restrictions on hotspot location or size
- File Size: 100k initial load max and 2.2MB subsequent load max on third party hosted assets.
- Rising Stars
- Resonate adheres to the IAB recommended guidelines for rising star ad units. A full breakdown of specs can be found here:
- File Size: 40k recommended, 100k maximum file size
- Either in-page or docked
- Files Sizes: 320×50 (preferred), 300×50, 300×250
- Either in-page or docked
- File Sizes: 728×90, 300×250
- Expandable up to 600×600
- Resonate accepts video files or VAST/VPAID tags
- VPAID tags required if viewbility measurement is included(VAST tags should be sent as well to ensure delivery)
- Resonate recommends Pre-Roll ads of length 15s and 30s. 60s second ads accepted but not recommended
In-banner video
- Raw video file required
- 300×250 jpg or gif starting frame required
- 40k file size limit on starting frame
- Max file size on video of 100MB
Social In-banner video
- Video Ratio- 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only)
- No more than :30 length for video
Connected TV
- Format: Resonate accepts video files or VAST tags
- Minimum resolution: 1920×1080
- Valid YouTube link to video ad required
- Format: 6s bumper or full length video ads accepted
- Format: mp3, .wav for raw files or VAST tags with hosted .wav file
- Size limit: 100 MB
- 4:3 Aspect Ratio
- Creative length:
- 0:15 seconds
- 0:30 seconds
Static Image Ads
- Please send 5-10 images for consideration
- Format: JPEG files
- Size: 1200×627 (1.91:1 aspect ratio) less than 2000×2000 pixels
- Title
- Short: 25 characters maximum
- Long: 90 characters maximum
- Description
- Short: 90 characters maximum
- Long: 140 characters maximum
- Sponsored by: up to 25 characters
- Logo: 200×200 1:1 aspect ratio
- Landing page URL: Landing page you wish to drive the clicks to
Video Ads
- Format: .MOV or.MP4
- Max size: 2 GB
- Title
- Short: 25 characters maximum
- Long: 90 characters maximum
- Description
- Short: 90 characters maximum
- Long: 140 characters maximum
- Sponsored by: up to 25 characters
- Logo: 200×200 1:1 aspect ratio
- Landing page URL: Landing page you wish to drive the clicks to
- Full specs found at:
- Image Ads:
- 1080×1080 recommended for mobile/desktop, 1200×627 for desktop only
- Primary Text: up to 125 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
- Description: 30 characters
- Video:
- Video Ratio: 9:16 to 16:9
- Video File Size: 4GB Max
- Videos under 30 seconds recommended
- Primary Text: up to 125 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
- Description: 30 characters
- Video thumbnail images that consist of more than 20% text may experience reduced delivery. Learn more about text in images
** All ads about social issues, elections or politics need to have a disclaimer. This disclaimer will appear at the top of any ads you run and include information on the entity that paid for the ad. Disclaimers must be approved before campaign launch.
More on Facebook Disclaimers here:
Recommended Specs
- File Size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.9:1
- Text: 90 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
- Link description: 30 characters
Accepted Specs
- Message (500 char max) : a summary/headline for the post
- Link URL (800 char max): aka click through URL. NOT for display
- Link Name (100 char max): the title of the page the user is linking to
- Link Domain for display: (100 char max, 1 line max) the domain of the landing page (e.g. Do not include the “https://” or “https://” prefix
- Description: a secondary note to users. (200 char max)
- Creative Text Limit: Creative images may not include more than 20% text. To test your creative, please utilize FB’s grid tool, found here
- Full specs found at:
Plain Text Tweet
- Tweet copy: 140 characters (note: each link used reduces character count by 24 characters, leaving 116 characters for Tweet copy.)
Website Card
- Tweet copy: 116 characters are available (24 characters are used for images).
- Website title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may truncate. Although not guarantee
- Image size: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio, 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio (max 3mb)
- Aspect Ratio: 1:91:1 or 1:1
- File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. Twitter does not accept BMP or TIFF files.
- Resonate abides by Google Ad Words search specs, which can be found here:
- Resonate accepts third party click and impression tracking on hosted assets for all formats accept Facebook and Twitter
- 1×1 tracking pixels recommended for all impression tracking
- Click-through redirects required for 3rd party click tracking
- Third Party tracking accepted on pre-roll for impression, click, and video quartiles.
Allow and/or block lists are client provided site lists that will be used on your campaigns to include or exclude sites in your targeting strategy. It is the client’s responsibility to provide updated allow or block lists as needed.
Allow lists and block lists are defined as follows:
- Allow lists
- An allow list is a list of domains and/or apps that will be included in your campaign
- An allow list is typically more restrictive than a block list but provide more protection
- Block lists
- A block list is a list of domains and/or apps that will be excluded from your campaign
Resonate accepts allow & block lists in the following format:
- File provided must be CSV
- Site must be formatted as:
- “www” prefixes will single out the home page and NOT cover the entire domain
- URLs must include top level domains: .com, .net, etc.
- Sites must not have subdirectories- i.e.
- Sites must not have any special characters besides “.” and “-“
- Page URL can’t begin or end with a hyphen
- No spaces between site names such as espn . com
- There must be no “notes” present in the site cell ONLY site address
- All sites must be case-consistent—i.e. all upper case or all lower case
- All sites must be in one column
- Allow and block lists must be separate files & clearly labeled as such
- Rows must be consecutive—no blank rows