Entitlement Reform in the News: Who Supports & Who Opposes?  

President Biden sounded the alarm in his State of the Union Address when he said that Republicans are targeting Medicare and Social Security for cuts. The fact is, any time these programs get anywhere close to the chopping block, people panic — and understandably so. Just five days after the speech, insurers pumped millions of dollars into advocacy-oriented Super Bowl ads telling seniors that Washington is threatening Medicare’s funding. 

Campaigns should understand that the entitlement-reform debate will have legs far beyond these debt-ceiling negotiations. Democrats see the issue as a major political play for their 2024 election efforts, including Biden’s potential reelection campaign. They see top Republican contenders (Trump, Haley) as vulnerable on entitlements given past statements they have made alluding to the need for reforms. Not to mention the criticalness of Florida senior voters, Desantis’ home state, to his potential path to the White House and Senate majority… 

Despite Biden’s remarks, Republican Congressional leaders have said that Medicare and Social Security cuts are not part of their debt-ceiling plan. And Biden is not entirely insulated on entitlement cuts either. When Biden was VP, the Obama Administration suspended the payroll-tax cut (the programs’ main funder) and negotiated with House Republicans on cutting trillions from Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare (the deal never actually passed). 

This divisive issue has supporters that may surprise you – find out who supports and who opposes entitlement reform in the full report. Click the link below!

Don’t miss a beat. Get to know the 97 million Americans who want entitlement reform in our new report.

Categorized as: Politics & Advocacy

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