4 Ways Advertisers Can Use Values-Driven Data to Connect With Binge Watchers

How can advertisers connect with binge watchers when they’re not in control of the remote? As, “Are you still watching?” flashes across the screen, you need to catch binge watchers’ eyes and ears with messaging that goes beyond “Hey, buy this!” You need to get to know these consumers on a deeper level, going beyond demographics to tap into their values, motivations, and drivers — the personal attributes that will pique their attention and inspire them to learn more.

The Resonate Ignite Platform™ introduces you to a holistic picture of the audiences you’re targeting and, yes, that includes the binge watchers that you need to understand as you plan your OTT advertising spend. We looked at consumers who reported that they often or always binge watch TV to get a sense of the values and drivers that resonate with this audience and have four ways you can use this data to inform advertising creative and messaging.

One: Emphasize Their Desire for Creativity, New Ideas

Despite the binge watcher’s confident stance on the couch, they do have a yearning for creativity and new ideas. Appeal to that through your messaging. The same old ad spots aren’t going to resonate. This group is primarily millennials, so the advertisers that will hit a home run with this group could include out-of-the-box start ups that provide a new spin on a traditional purchase. Tip: this group is 4X more likely than the average consumer to plan on making a living room or home office furniture purchase in the near future — if you’re a streaming service, this is a nugget you’ll want to share with potential advertisers!

Two: Appeal to Their Pursuit of Enjoying Life’s Pleasures

The binge watcher enjoys the good things in life. They are 1.5X more likely than the average consumer to consider international travel a hobby, they enjoy cooking, baking, and spending time with their family. They have an optimistic outlook. Pulling at their heart strings might not be the way to connect. Instead, you want to keep things upbeat, joyful, and fun in your ad creative. A feel-good commercial for an advertiser that has to do with travel, food, or spending time with others is going to connect with the binge watcher.

advertisers connect binge watchers

Source: Resonate Ignite Platform™, August 2021

Three: Put an Emphasis on Romance

We love love — and so does the binge watcher. When they’re forced to tear themselves away from their favorite show on screen, give them advertising creative that keeps those romantic vibes going. Let’s return back to their love of travel and that they’re a millennial audience. They may have young kids at home, but perhaps creative that shows a couple reconnecting while (safely) on a getaway will strike a chord.

Four: Add in a Healthy Dose of Excitement

Keep things exciting in your creative! For example, if you’re a car company looking at your OTT ad spend and this is your target audience, then that age-old trope of off-roading adventures and exciting drives through the city could work with this group. Tip: they are more likely than the average consumer to consider a fuel-efficient or hybrid car for their next purchase and they’re 32% more likely to explore online-only car purchasing options, like Carvana. As a media company, this is a data point to share with potential advertisers

Source: Resonate Ignite Platform™, August 2021

Source: Resonate Ignite Platform™, August 2021

Want to know more about streaming audiences and how you can connect with them? Download our annual State of OTT report to learn how Resonate data can help media and entertainment companies boost ad revenue, tailor content distribution, and grow subscribers, while giving advertisers a clearer picture of audience preferences.



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