From Home Harmonizers to Family-Centered Professionals: AI-Powered Insights Reveal the Hidden Healthcare Decision-Makers

For agencies that work in healthcare, the competition to win new business is fiercer than ever. Those who are winning this competition don’t just understand where they should be planning, but they also access consumer insights in real time rather than relying on a third party to pass along information that’s based on six-month-old surveys and dense demographics. Resonate empowers agencies to understand the human element—the why—behind consumer decisions. The Resonate Ignite Platform and AI-powered data engine, rAI, are purpose-driven for agencies and ensure those competing for new business in the healthcare sector will not only keep up with competitors but outpace them.

Just ask Butler/Till, a women-owned-and-led agency that recently worked with Resonate to develop a bespoke study—the Mosaic of Women’s Whole Health—on a market that’s relatively new for healthcare professionals: women.

Over the past few decades, the economic power of women has increased significantly, helping to transform this broad, diverse demographic into powerful decision makers with influence over their own and others’ health care decisions. Together, Butler/Till and Resonate identified five nuanced, diverse segments using fresh, recent Resonate AI-powered data that offers the powerful insights agencies need to effectively connect with their clients’ specific audiences.

Let’s look at three of these unique segments more closely.

Family-Centered Professionals

Family-Centered Professionals skew the youngest of the segments with 35–44-year-olds making up the largest share of this cohort. They are committed to their careers and are more likely to value what they do more than acquiring wealth, despite being the most affluent segment. Most women in this segment are married and have children under 18.

This segment is reluctant to use prescription medications and tends to deviate from the prescribed dosage (especially when they experience adverse effects). They usually prefer natural products over pharmacological drugs and are more likely to avoid vaccinating their children against Covid-19. These women are driven by social and professional status and care for their family’s safety.

Home Harmonizers

Home Harmonizers skew younger with the largest share being aged 35-44. This segment is comprised entirely of homemakers with 91% living with a spouse or partner and just over 70% having children under the age of 18. They have a lower income than the average and just over a quarter of this segment is Hispanic.

In general, this segment is not very active and prefers to eat a diet that focuses on pleasure rather than health. They do not have excess weight, but they often take care of someone with Type 2 Diabetes. They tend to have chronic conditions, which probably influences their choice to remain at home. These women are driven by trust and respect from others and care for their family’s safety.

Joyful Explorers

Joyful Explorers skew more middle aged, with about half falling between the ages of 45-64. They have the second highest level of educational attainment of the segments and are more likely to value their jobs beyond just income, with many serving in professional, leadership, or technical roles requiring them to work in-person. As a result, they tend to have higher incomes in their households. Fewer than half of the women in this segment are married and although some have grown-up children, most do not live with any children.

These women are motivated to live a life full of excitement and pleasure. Their decreased likelihood of having childcare or other caretaker responsibilities grants them more independence that, combined with their higher affluence, allows them to invest more time in social activities and travel.

To learn more about how Resonate makes pitching verticals like these and others seamless, download the Agency Insights Playbook today.

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